I haven’t done this in years, not since university.
I’ve got writing that needs to be done, and a deadline. I put it off till late. There’s a whole page in The Recognitions where Wyatt talks about painting at night, how by then you’ve finished everything you needed to do that day, or at least it’s too late to do it, so you can finally just sit and paint.
I’ve got a soft deadline that I’m pretending is a hard one. That way, I’ll be done a draft by the time it’s actually due, and still have time to edit.
I have coffee and cigarettes and beer, but I have to wait on the beer, at least until I’ve finished an outline.
Everything’s spread out and ready, and here I sit, waiting to find the perfect close to this little blurb. Another way to procrastinate.
Well, this is it.
Here we go.